EMSA has issued a report that analyses hydrogen’s primary factors to frame which safety dangers, system hazards, and risks to be considered and mitigated when using hydrogen as ship fuel. 

The report aims to help the industry and the regulators in a safe and harmonized deployment of this relevant technology that could establish an important step towards the sector’s decarbonization.

According to EMSA, hydrogen, when used as ship fuel, offers the following significant safety hazards and risks due to its unique properties:

Flammability and explosiveness

Hydrogen’s wide flammability range and lower ignition energy compared to methane make it highly flammable and prone to more severe blasts. Its more increased burning velocity can escalate blasts into detonations, posing more significant risks than natural gas.

Storage and distribution challenges

The low boiling point of hydrogen confuses its storage and distribution. Managing boil-off gas and controlling the condensation of gases like nitrogen and oxygen are critical to avoid tool malfunction and potential explosion dangers.

Density and dispersion

Hydrogen’s low density causes it to rise and spread quickly in open environments. In confined spaces, such as within a ship, it can collect in high spots, increasing the risk of ignition from sources like ceiling lights. Designing safety measures, such as gas sensors and ventilation systems, must account for hydrogen’s density and behavior in leak scenarios.

Pressure effects

High-pressure storage of hydrogen (250-700 bar) forms potential energy that, upon discharge, can cause significant pressure impacts even without combustion. Sudden discharges from high-pressure systems can ignite spontaneously, posing immediate risks to personnel and equipment.

Hazards in confined spaces

Hydrogen discharges in confined ship spaces amplify explosion pressures rapidly, potentially damaging structures and leading to further leakage. Leakages of liquefied hydrogen (LH2) can induce cooling effects that compromise gas-tight goodness and safety equipment operation, further complicating trouble responses.

Material compatibility and embrittlement

Hydrogen can adversely impact metal properties through embrittlement, decreasing structural integrity. Condensed oxygen-enriched air can raise material flammability upon contact, necessitating careful material selection and design considerations.

Health and safety risks

Finally, EMSA notes that significant hydrogen leakages pose dangers of asphyxiation due to oxygen depletion, alongside risks of frostbites and burn injuries due to low temperatures and decreased flame visibility.

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